HURRAH! It’s the February Volunteer Newsletter!!!! No 2!

Dear All Our Wonderful Volunteers,
Here is the latest news from ViH – this month it is packed with lots of information, and as you will see it is in a new format!
Just to help you know how you can navigate this better, here’s some helpful tips:
  • When you click a ‘sign up’ link .. it will create a box – just tick the ‘trust all links in this Sway for this session’, then OK.  This will enable you to follow any of the links in the newsletter.
  • To help you navigate the articles in the newsletter (as there are a lot!) there is a helpful tool on the bottom right corner.  It is a grey square with lines in it.  This will show you only the titles of the articles, and you can press the one you want and read it from there.  This is helpful if you don’t like to scroll through the whole newsletter!
Going forward,  I will be using this format each month so you will quickly get used to using it, so please don’t get stressed!
The newsletter will be the centre for any information I want to relay to you.  So please do check out all the vital information in it.  Let me know how you get on – as this is a new ‘thing’ for all of us!
Many thanks
Annabelle 🙂


Can you believe it… we are already in the middle of February?! ‘Time waits for no man’ and here at ViH, we are continuing to strive to make our volunteers’ experience richer and more con…

Annabelle Murray

Volunteer Coordinator


Telephone  01626 771695




Work days: Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 9.30am -3pm


Volunteering in Health Coastal Information Centre

Teignmouth Hospital, Mill Lane, Teignmouth, TQ14 9BQ

Tel 01626 771695

Charity Reg No 1182615

We are currently experiencing a very high demand for our services

Wellbeing Coordination – we are taking referrals

Wellbeing HOPE Courses – we have availability and are currently taking referrals for future groups.

Face to Face Befriending – we currently have a waiting list for face to face befriending

Telephone Befriending – we are taking referrals

Dementia – we are taking referrals

Sitting service – We currently have a waiting list of 8-10 weeks

Home Help  – we currently have a waiting list of 6-8 weeks

We regularly review to update these lead times. Thank you for your patience

We are recruiting! Services Coordinator

Services Coordinator advert Feb 24